Improve your speaking in English with this free download. It includes study skills advice and lists of expressions in English to help you communicate well. Use it to learn English effectively and to develop your public speaking in English, as well as your English conversation. It is 27 pages long and includes expressions to improve your speaking in English such as Expressing Your Opinion, Agreeing and Disagreeing, Building a Strong Argument. It also helps with ways to restate an argument, or to clarify a point, or to describe how certain you are about something, or whether you are doubtful or uncertain. Another way to improve your speaking in English is to give a presentation. The e-book gives suggestions for how to structure the presentation, and what to say when you begin, how to build a case, and how to summarise and conclude.
To improve your speaking in English you need to practise. With Book Club School you can do this in one of our book groups, or in the weekly conversation club sessions. With practice, your spoken English can become more sophisticated and varied. Use these expressions to help you do this, and take your speaking skills to the next level. The sessions are led by a native speaker English teacher, based in the UK who helps you to improve your speaking in English in a structured way, and to develop more elegant and higher language for expressing yourself. Removing errors is another way to improve your speaking in English. The book club allows you to speak a lot in English in a relaxed environment, and your teacher will listen out for errors, mistakes and ways to say something in a better way. You receive feedback on your English, and receive written notes after the session with errors highlighted and new language presented.