Individual English Pronunciation Course for Readers: accent reduction

Individual English Pronunciation Course for Readers: accent reduction

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Reduce your accent fast with an individual English pronunciation course, designed for readers of English 


  • Join this 1:1 English pronunciation course to reduce your accent when speaking   
  • 7 hours of live classes to work on your sounds, intonation & connected speech
  • Practice with poems or famous novels to develop a neutral accent
  • Correction by your native speaker English teacher for accent reduction

Reduce your accent in this 7 hour individual English pronunciation course with a literature theme.  Each week you learn about a particular aspect of pronunciation, practice it in the session and at home - with a native speaker model to compare with.  Improve specific areas of phonology - sounds, word stress, sentence stress, rhythm, linking.  Personalised feedback improves your accent, intelligibility and accuracy.

The Individual English Pronunciation Course For Readers

This is a 7 week course.  In each of the seven sessions you:

  • give a micro presentation
  • read a short literary text out loud
  • learn about and practise one of the core areas below:

Session 1: The essential features of English phonology - weak forms, linking, the, a/an

Session 2: Making sounds: vowels and diphthongs

Session 3: Making sounds: consonants and consonant clusters

Session 4: Intonation and sentence stress - types of question, emphasising, conveying meaning

Session 5: Word stress - word stress families 

Session 6: Silent letters, homophones and homographs

Session 7: Twinning /s/; Pronunciation of regular past; linking /r/; Intrusive /r/; Weak form of “been”/Elision of /h/

Geoff says:

"This is a great way to reduce your accent, becoming more intelligible, clearer and more international in your use of English - in just 7 weeks."

Times available between 10.00 and 17.00 C.E.T  Contact Geoff to arrange a suitable day and time.  Click Add to Cart to reserve your place.

Age 16+
What you learn on this individual English pronunciation course
  • To make the sounds of English correctly
  • To be aware of and use English stress and rhythm
  • To link common words together to make a linguistic chunk
  • To be aware of changed pronunciations of key stressed words
  • To be aware of the differences between how words are written & spoken
Your teacher
  • Geoff Hardy-Gould, BSc, MBA, CTEFLA, DTEFLA. 
  • Over 20 years' experience of UK language schools. 
  • Speaker at:  2024 IATEFL Conference; 2023 IATEFL TechLit! Exploring crossovers between technology and literature; 2022 Extensive Reading Foundation; 2021 TESOL Italia